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Buying a New Narrow Boat



I've been looking to buy a new narrow boat and have spent a lot of time reading up and looking at boats and builders, They all differ greatly and i suppose you have to go with your gut instinct in the end with a builder you consider the quality, design and price meet your requirements

However what puzzles me is if its a custom built boat, how can they fix the price at day one. My final design and specification may change as the boat evolves though each build stage. What happens if i change my mind on certain aspects? That is unless i see a boat and want it exactly the same!

Another concern is that all the builders i have spoken to require payment in stages from day one. It seems to me that you are always at risk in the case where the boat builder failed. Is this the norm? How can you safe guard yourself as i have heard some builders require up to 50% from day one?

Any Help or advice would greatly be received also if any body could recommend builders from personal experiance or any to give a wide berth?


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