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BBC's Dire Coverage of the Thames Flotilla and other Jubillee Events

Laurence Hogg

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Started by Chris Brady on CanalScape-London:

BBC's Dire Coverage of the Thames Flotilla and other Jubillee Events




Responsible department: Department for Culture, Media and Sport


We the undersigned are appalled at the BBC's dire coverage and reporting of the Jubilee events especially during the Thames Flotilla on Sunday June 3. We are particularly concerned at the lack of professionalism with regards to the presentation, editing and camera angles. We are shocked at the use of the term 'Her Royal Highness' when referring to Her Majesty the Queen. We are appalled at the total lack of knowledge shown by the presenters of the individual boats appearing in the Flotilla, especially regarding the Historic Boats and the 'Little Boats of Dunkirk.' We were most disappointed that the Spirit of Chartwell was not shown passing through Tower Bridge. This programme was transmitted worldwide and was a national embarrassment. We are also concerned that the Olympics will be likewise dumbed down.




  • Greenie 1
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Signing it will change what?


Well who knows - but it was hardly a big hardship to spend 30 seconds inputting a bit of data in order to hopefully add to a body of opinion.

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Seems they're quite aware of disappointment concerning the broadcast.





aware but maybe not aware....


But in an internal email to staff, BBC director general Mark Thompson said he was very proud of the coverage.

"Our output has been impressive not only in its scale, but in its ambition, quality and outstanding journalism," he wrote


outstanding journalism???????? :lol:

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Don't these people have anything better to do than whine about this trivia?


Unlikely 'whining' about people expressing an opinion on here for example....

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Signed....I also fired off an email complaint to them immediately after the broadcast...still waiting to hear their comments.


Yes, I'm sure it may appear trivial to some, but we pay a hefty sum to the BBC for our license fee - I think we're entitled to air our opinions when their standards slip so appallingly.


There were so many inexcusable errors and omissions during the day that it really beggars belief...


I'd been particularly looking forward to seeing the boats, especially as some of our forum members were there, but was sadly disappointed with the dreadful commentary and the missed opportunities.



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Not whining, just asking a question? I don't have a tv, but I'm sure they come equipped with an off switch ... or a mute switch.


Of course you are 'whining' as it's not actually a real question is it, you are just trying to be a 'little bit clever'.


As you have no TV you will not have the foggiest idea what any of this is about anyway, yes there is an off and a mute button but for those of us who's only chance to see this was the BBC (Not Sky as I don't subscribe) then this is a legitimate concern, and seemingly one shared by thousands of people.


Forgive me if I don't respond to any more of your obvious attempts to provoke a fight.

Edited by MJG
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I'm sure they come equipped with an off switch ... or a mute switch.


Indeed they do, and on most occasions I would have used one or the other!


However, this was a once in a lifetime occasion that I wanted to watch live, as it happened, and not have to rely on watching highlights later.



  • Greenie 1
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Indeed they do, and on most occasions I would have used one or the other!


However, this was a once in a lifetime occasion that I wanted to watch live, as it happened, and not have to rely on watching highlights later.




Exactly...have a vertie.....

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Not whining, just asking a question? I don't have a tv, but I'm sure they come equipped with an off switch ... or a mute switch.


If you'd seen it you might understand why we are so cross. There was a huge preparation for the Pageant and little bits here and there in the newspapers about the boats finally selected to take part. I couldn't watch live for long - we were off BBQ'ing - but I was really wanting to hear about/see the different sections, the history, see the splendour etc. Instead we got the crop of everyday presenters who knew NOTHING about boats, exchanging jokes and giggling and talking about the weather. It would have been so easy for them to recruit a good boaty expert or three. But they didn't bother. It was the most dismal and inane bit of BBC coverage I've EVER seen. Usually the BBC does these things exceptionally well. So it does no harm to say to the BBC "you did a rotten job on this".

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As it happens, I don't have a TV either...I was reliant on live broadcasts on my computer and the BBC is the only one that works consistently well.


However, even with all the choices of different TV channels these days, I would STILL have turned to the BBC, expecting quality coverage.


Almost every major national event that's happened during my lifetime, I've watched on the BBC, which is why I remain SO disappointed on what they produced on the day. There simply is no excuse for such dumbing down and low standards.



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Of course you are 'whining' as it's not actually a real question is it, you are just trying to be a 'little bit clever'.


As you have no TV you will not have the foggiest idea what any of this is about anyway, yes there is an off and a mute button but for those of us who's only chance to see this was the BBC (Not Sky as I don't subscribe) then this is a legitimate concern, and seemingly one shared by thousands of people.


Forgive me if I don't respond to any more of your obvious attempts to provoke a fight.

Well thanks for telling me what I was trying to do. Not trying to provoke a fight old thing. And I quite understand that people may be disappointed by the experience, especially if they have a boaty background. But starting a petition and describing the whole thing as a national embarrassment, imo, indicates a lack of perspective.


If you'd seen it you might understand why we are so cross. There was a huge preparation for the Pageant and little bits here and there in the newspapers about the boats finally selected to take part. I couldn't watch live for long - we were off BBQ'ing - but I was really wanting to hear about/see the different sections, the history, see the splendour etc. Instead we got the crop of everyday presenters who knew NOTHING about boats, exchanging jokes and giggling and talking about the weather. It would have been so easy for them to recruit a good boaty expert or three. But they didn't bother. It was the most dismal and inane bit of BBC coverage I've EVER seen. Usually the BBC does these things exceptionally well. So it does no harm to say to the BBC "you did a rotten job on this".

No harm at all.

Edited by PiRSqwared
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this is more a 'letter to points of view' problem than cause to petition the government, surely?


The BBC is our national broadcaster funded by us as licence payers broadcasting to the world - I certainly see no harm in a petition to the govt. to hopefully put even more pressure on those responsible for this - particularly as it takes about as much of any bodies time as it did me to post this.

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martin, you will soon have a thousand verties if you lkeep awarding yourself them..... :lol:


Not guilty your honour... (I was going to say the same to you BTW) :cheers:

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The BBC is our national broadcaster funded by us as licence payers broadcasting to the world - I certainly see no harm in a petition to the govt. to hopefully put even more pressure on those responsible for this - particularly as it takes about as much of any bodies time as it did me to post this.


Totaly agree

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Of course you are 'whining' as it's not actually a real question is it, you are just trying to be a 'little bit clever'.


As you have no TV you will not have the foggiest idea what any of this is about anyway, yes there is an off and a mute button but for those of us who's only chance to see this was the BBC (Not Sky as I don't subscribe) then this is a legitimate concern, and seemingly one shared by thousands of people.


Forgive me if I don't respond to any more of your obvious attempts to provoke a fight.



Hi Martin,


It was on Sky News all day which you should get on Freeview if you have it. Apologies if you already knew that :)

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