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  1. Actually boat got really toasty with the eberspacher last night. Thought I was going to have a hot flush. So next question is: where to buy diesel? I have only filled my boat up once since I had it and that was when I was just coming out of dry dock! Denham has it for 52p a litre but I would need to go and fetch it in the car. Is that safe? Or does anyone know which boats deliver to Brentford and at what cost? I am between Thames Lock and Brentford Gauging Lock.
  2. And I did sciences at A level. Was great at physics but all the amps, volts, watts stuff has always addled my brain!!!
  3. Made in Yorkshire!!! Anything made in Yorkshire does it for me! How much do you think fitting would be? How much fuel does it use in an hour? Watching some guys raising a boat that sunk opposite me this morning so getting free entertainment from my sick bed. Hated seeing it sink though
  4. Bit better thanks but surprised at how long its taking and worried that tomorrow when I'm off the steroids, I won't be able to breathe again and will end up back in A&E. Just been reading up on the links between asthma and multi-fuel stoves. Think my stove is now redundant!!!
  5. Thank you Peter. Calm now (well, about this issue anyway!!!)
  6. It's brand new . yesterday was second time on!!! It's brand new . yesterday was second time on!!!
  7. They did after an hour. But took longer to warm up. My boat is big and lounge and galley are open plan. There's no air lock. Have back boiler on multifuel stove on same system and it all kicks off big time with an air lock!!!
  8. No, it was on its full setting. It's my oil filled rads that aren't using as much fuel as I thought. 20 minutes. I am sooooo jealous.
  9. Thanks Tony. Don't understand but hey!!! Tried eberspacher last night. Was disappointed. Immersion on for 40 minutes first then 1 hour 40 minutes of eberspacher and boat was still freezing so I resorted to electric heaters.
  10. Why? Have I calculated wrong? Is it £50 an hour or something and I'm going to bankrupt myself?!!!
  11. Think that's when she meant - when starting from completely cold. All useful advice. Thank you. Using a little gadget, I just measured how much electricity the oil-filled rad is using in my toasty warm bedroom - 0.3 kW per hour which is 6.9p !!! Much less than I thought. Warm days await with no dust or mess from stove, I think!
  12. Wow, thank you. A lot cheaper than I thought. My boat builder said if I put the immersion on an hour beforehand and then started eberspacher, it would warm things more quickly. Do you do that?
  13. Can't use my multi-fuel stove at the moment due to breathing problems that landed me in A&E at the weekend. I am asthmatic - not normally an issue but it is at the minute. I have an eberspacher DW5 but have lost the manual. Does anyone know what the fuel consumption would be? I don't want to run it then find I've used heaps of diesel. Still in bed sick at moment so relying on small oil-filled radiator at the moment (on shoreline) but would be nice to sit in the lounge (currently freezing and too big to heat with oil filled rad) for a change!
  14. TalkTalk will take me. I am worried though about the speed being slow now though after what you have said.
  15. I have a gadget from EE that gives me 15GB of data for £20 a month but it's just not enough. (I watch a lot of videos online!) Several boats where I am moored have telephone landlines and broadband with BT so I thought I'd get one myself. On USwitch, my cheapest option was with Sky but when I rang and asked them if they'd install it on a boat, they said no. It seems strange that BT will but Sky won't. I could go with BT but I want unlimited broadband and that's more expensive with them. Anyone any other ideas about which companies might be willing to do it?
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